The Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway, Inc. is in the process of updating our Corridor Management Plan (CMP) as we head to our 25th anniversary next year. The Cayuga County Department of Planning & Economic Development is leading us through the task. The update is an open process, meaning we need input from residents, businesses, organizations, and visitors in the Byway’s territory. A wide spectrum of input is important to ensure that the new management plan gives us the direction to maximize the benefits of a New York State designated scenic byway encompassing our beloved Cayuga Lake.
So, what is a Corridor Management Plan?
A Corridor Management Plan (CMP) is the road map to guide the managing entity to achieve the purpose for the scenic byway designation. The document identifies the intrinsic qualities that are the foundation of the scenic byway’s designation.
Building on this foundation, the plan lays out programs and tasks to successfully manage, promote, and protect the resources that define the Byway. It identifies the who and how to implement the plan.
As we move through the update process, we will post draft sections of the CMP on this page, asking for feedback all along the way.
Bookmark this page in your browser, make sure you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, and please keep the input flowing.
Top-Tier Supporters of the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway, Inc. Enjoy the Ride!