Geocaching the Byway

Try a unique way to Enjoy the Ride! The Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway GeoTrail is Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway Geocache Trail one cache with logbooks a fun and interesting way to travel the Byway. With 11 active caches strategically placed, you’re sure to get a true taste of the terrain and discover a new perspective on the beauty and culture of the Cayuga Lake region. Whether you’re a die-hard cacher or new to the activity, we hope you’ll Enjoy the Ride along our GeoTrail.


There are a couple of options for you to learn about geocaching to get you started. The Hobby Help website has a very detailed beginners guide. Click here to check out their guide. Or, you can head on over to


The Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway (CLSB) Geotrail is divided into two sections – east and west. Geotrail logbook passports are available at the locations listed below. As this program has been around for several years, some caches have been archived and some caches may be missing punches. If you find a punch missing, just take a photo of the box to document that you found it. We apologize for the changes in our program and we are working to bring it back to its original state.

You can also download and print the LogBook Punch Sheet to take on your trek!

Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway Geocache Coin Front View
Geotrail Coin

Geocachers finding all 11 official CLSB Geotrail caches can redeem the passport for a free commemorative Geotrail Coin. Coins are available at the sites listed below.

Hopefully, each cache contains a numbered hole punch that corresponds to a numbered space in the punch strip for each region. Once you have punched 11 spaces bring your passport to one of the following sites to pick up your free collectable geocoin.

Montezuma Winery
2981 U.S. Route 20
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-8190

Long Point Winery
1485 Lake Road
Aurora, NY13026
(315) 364-6990

Cayuga Lake Creamery
8421 New York 89
Interlaken, NY 14847
(607) 532-9492

Ithaca/Tompkins County Visitor Bureau
904 E. Shore Dr.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-1313

There are inherent risks and dangers in participation in the activities associated with the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway Geotrail, and participation in said activity and use of any equipment related to such activities may result in injury, illness or death and/or damage to personal property. Other participants, accidents, forces of nature or other causes may cause these risks and dangers. Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway Inc. assumes no liability for injuries or damages that may arise from participation in the Geotrail.
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